The CKS Group is the union of complementary skills.

Strongly rooted in their respective markets, the companies and entities of the CKS Group have as a common denominator the Purchasing expertise of their teams.

They share a common set of values and professional standards.

The strategy of CKS is based on several strong pillars

  • Maintaining a high level of specialization and, consequently, a high value-added consulting positioning
  • Favoring interventions with a lasting impact on our Clients' performance
  • Building, over the long term, a relationship of trust with our Clients
  • Maintaining and sharing, within the teams, the same set of values and professional standards (the CKS "signature").


Worldwide Clients
More than 100 public contractors
50 among the top 500 European companies
have (or have used) the services of CKS

The leadership and expertise of a specialist and independent consulting firm:
  • 500 Business Project Management Support missions in high-stakes markets
  • 80 audit assignments and organisation of Purchasing / Supply-Chain / Procurement functions
  • 60 missions for the design and implementation of IS Purchasing / Contracts / Procurement
  • 3 € Billion in savings recorded by our Customers

Join us

Talent recruitment is a strategic issue for CKS.

Manage a team of ambitious consultants, passionate about their work and directly interested in the success of the firm is in itself a business project and one of the main motivations of CKS's founders. Confronted with a wide variety of missions, all anchored on the Procurement function, our collaborators develop a strong "business" expertise. This expertise is very quickly recognized by our contacts at our Clients.

Why join CKS?

  • Because you're eager to learn:
    The definition of new organisational models, the design of purchasing strategies supported by TCO or even TVO analyses, the implementation of the latest "data science" technologies, the integration of the best S2P software suites,… are some of the expertise fields covered by the CKS teams.

  • Because you like challenges:
    Maintaining a level of excellence in our services, working under pressure in often difficult deadlines, building a relationship of trust with the client…

  • Because you want to work with professionals who combine competence and humility
    Within the CKS teams, with excellent employees, who have a wide range of training and professional experience. Among customers, with contacts occupying various positions (General Management, Purchasing, Finance, Controlling, IS, Quality,…), at all hierarchical levels.

Can you join CKS?

Beyond your high-level training, your communication skills, your professionalism and your taste for teamwork, CKS recruits personalities rather than profiles, potentials rather than career paths.

We are therefore looking for talents who also have the following qualities:

  • Individual and collective ambition
  • Strong creativity
  • Open-mindedness
  • Sense of ethics
  • Developed general knowledge


Send your application
Your application will contain a resume with a cover letter.

This should be sent to us only by email to the following address:

> We review applications and respond within approximately 3 weeks.

First round of interviews
If your application has been selected, you will be invited to a series of two 45-minute interviews with CKS Consultants.

These interviews will allow us to get to know you better and to validate the relevance of your application.

Second round of interviews
Based on the results of Step 2, you will be invited to a second round of 45-minute interviews with the CKS Associate Directors.

If you are selected at the end of this 3rd stage, a job offer will be made to you during a final closing interview with a CKS Associate Director.

If you think you may have the right skills to join our teams, do not hesitate to consult our job offers and apply for a position.

Career Path

Passionate, diverse and ready to be your guide

Diplômé de l’EM Lyon, j’ai rejoint CKS après une première expérience professionnelle dans un cabinet de conseil en stratégie. Le dynamisme et la qualité des équipes ont été des signaux forts qui ont motivé ma candidature.

Travailler pour un cabinet spécialisé, c’est la satisfaction de devenir rapidement expert d’un domaine fonctionnel, que l’on aborde au travers d’une très grande diversité de missions. C’est incidemment la d’avoir un impact tangible sur la performance de ses Clients. Travailler pour un cabinet spécialisé, c’est également le plaisir de travailler sur des sujets « neufs » et d’être en première ligne sur les grands enjeux de transformation de la fonction Achats.

Il y a deux ans, j’ai pris la Direction de notre « Lab » interne (Neqo) et anime des équipes aux compétences rares. Nous mettons en œuvre des solutions extrêmement innovantes et avons la chance de travailler avec des interlocuteurs particulièrement exigeants chez nos Clients.

Je dirige également l’équipe en charge de notre offre d’intégration de suites S2P (Lysint) ... Ce ne sont donc pas les projets et perspectives de développement personnel qui manquent au sein du groupe CKS.

Bonjour, je m’appelle Bénédicte

Après avoir obtenu un Master 2 Professionnel en Droit Public des Affaires, j’ai commencé ma carrière en tant que juriste en droit des marchés publics. J’ai ensuite occupé un poste de Responsable d’un services marchés Publics. Aujourd’hui, je suis manager chez CKS Public.

Cela fait 13 ans que j’exerce dans ce domaine qui me passionne, la commande publique, et j’ai la chance de le faire au sein d’un cabinet qui offre la possibilité à ses consultants de travailler sur des missions de conseil, d’assistance à maitrise d’ouvrage et de formation à forte valeur ajoutée pour de nombreux et variés donneurs d’ordres publics.

CKS Public est un cabinet dans lequel il existe de véritables possibilités d’évolution de carrière. J’ai par exemple été recrutée comme consultante senior puis promue manager un an après.

Alors si comme moi vous aimez les achats publics, les défis intellectuels et le travail en équipe, n’hésitez pas à déposer votre candidature !

Quand j’ai passé les entretiens de recrutement chez CKS à l’automne 2014, je n’imaginais pas l’univers des possibles auquel j’allais m’exposer au long de mon parcours. Les précédentes expériences que j’avais eues dans le cadre de mon double-cursus HEC Paris / Sciences Po m’avaient insuffisamment permis de développer la rigueur d’analyse, l’endurance de travail et le plaisir du travail à l’international ; ce fut rétabli très rapidement avec CKS.

Les consultants sont précisément sélectionnés parce que le processus de recrutement consiste à identifier des potentiels à développer plutôt que des professionnels aguerris.

Les premières années de mon parcours m’ont permis d’explorer une grande diversité de missions au sein du bureau parisien de CKS avant de partir fin 2016 créer celui de Bruxelles.

Depuis 2017, j’ai pu constituer mon équipe de consultants dédiés aux activités internationales de CKS (zone Benelux, enchères, intégration Ivalua) et continuer d’entretenir des liens étroits avec mon portefeuille de clients historiques dans le secteur de l’industrie automobile.

Si je regarde six ans en arrière, l’équipe de CKS m’a fait confiance et m’a accompagné dans le développement d’offres et d’outils à haute valeur ajoutée pour nos clients comme en interne. Autre élément de satisfaction interne : la capacité de voyager pour aller au plus près des sites des clients : Europe, Chine, Japon, États-Unis, Mexique, Brésil…

Bonjour, je m’appelle Aurore.

Je suis Manager chez CKS.
J’ai une formation dans un tout autre domaine que les achats puisque j’ai fait des études d’agronomie à AgroParisTech avec une spécialité sur les filières d’élevage.

Dans ma première expérience professionnelle, j’ai travaillé sur les impacts environnementaux de l’élevage dans une ONG. J’accompagnais en particulier les entreprises des filières viandes et lait sur l’intégration d’objectifs liés au développement durable dans leurs produits et vis-à-vis de leurs fournisseurs. J’ai découvert la fonction Achats et son importance stratégique tant pour les entreprises que pour les administrations, et ai donc choisi de rejoindre le cabinet CKS.

En quelques années, j’ai énormément appris sur le monde des achats et de la logistique. Arrivée consultante junior, je suis passée manager au sein du cabinet il y a 2 ans.

Les principales qualités pour nous rejoindre ?
La curiosité intellectuelle et l’esprit d’équipe.

Nous ne recherchons pas forcément des experts en Achats mais des profils avec une grande faculté d’adaptation, qui sauront comprendre les problématiques de nos clients et adapter les recommandations à chaque contexte.

Hi, my name is Aurore.

I'm a manager at CKS. I have a training in a completely different field than procurement since I studied agronomy at AgroParisTech with a specialty on breeding channels.

In my first professional experience, I worked on the environmental impacts of livestock farming in an NGO. In particular, I helped companies in the meat and milk sectors to integrate sustainable development objectives into their products and in relation to their suppliers. I discovered the Procurement function and its strategic importance for both companies and administrations, and I therefore chose to join CKS.

At CKS, I have two main missions:

Over the past few years, I have learned a lot about the world of purchasing and logistics. I joined the firm as a junior consultant and became a manager two years ago.

The main qualities to join us? Intellectual curiosity and team spirit. We are not necessarily looking for experts in Procurement but for profiles with a great ability to adapt, who will be able to understand the problems of our clients and adapt the recommendations to each context.

Hello, my name is Bénédicte.

After graduating with a Master 2 Professional in Public Business Law, I started my career as a Public Procurement Lawyer. I then held the position of Head of a public Procurement Department. Today, I am a manager at CKS Public. .

have the chance to do so within a firm that offers its consultants the opportunity to work on consulting, project management assistance and training missions with high added value for many and varied clients. .

CKS Public is a firm in which there are real opportunities for career development. For example, I was recruited as a senior consultant and then promoted to manager a year later. .

So if, like me, you like public procurement, intellectual challenges and teamwork, don't hesitate to apply! .

Graduated from EM Lyon, I joined CKS after a first professional experience in a strategy consulting firm. The dynamism and quality of the teams were strong factors that motivated my application.

Working for a specialized firm means the satisfaction of quickly becoming an expert in a functional area, which is approached through a wide variety of assignments. Incidentally, it is the satisfaction of having a tangible impact on the performance of its Clients. Working for a specialized firm is also the pleasure of working on "new" subjects and being in the front line on the major issues of the transformation of the Procurement function.

Two years ago, I took over the management of our internal "Lab" (Neqo) and lead teams with rare skills.

We implement extremely innovative solutions and have the chance to work with particularly demanding contacts from our Customers.I also manage the team in charge of our S2P suite integration offer (Lysint) ...

Therefore, there is no lack of projects and perspectives for personal development within the CKS Group.

Graduado de EM Lyon, me uní a CKS después de una primera experiencia profesional en una empresa de consultoría estratégica.

El dinamismo y la calidad de los equipos fueron fuertes señales que motivaron mi solicitud.Trabajar para una empresa especializada significa la satisfacción de convertirse rápidamente en un experto en un área funcional, a la que se accede a través de una amplia variedad de asignaciones. Por cierto, es la satisfacción de tener un impacto tangible en el desempeño de sus clientes.

Trabajar para una empresa especializada es también el placer de trabajar en temas "nuevos" y estar en primera línea en los grandes temas de la transformación de la función de Compras.Hace dos años, asumí la dirección de nuestro "Lab" interno (Neqo) y dirigí equipos con habilidades poco comunes. Implementamos soluciones extremadamente innovadoras y tenemos la oportunidad de trabajar con contactos especialmente exigentes en las instalaciones de nuestros clientes.

También dirijo el equipo a cargo de nuestra oferta de integración de la suite S2P (Lysint) ...Así que no faltan proyectos y perspectivas de desarrollo personal dentro del Grupo CKS.

Hola, mi nombre es Bénédicte. .

Después de obtener un Master 2 Profesional en Derecho de la Empresa Pública, empecé mi carrera como abogado en el derecho de la contratación pública. Luego ocupé el cargo de Jefe de un departamento de compras públicas. Hoy soy Manager de CKS Public. .

Llevo 13 años trabajando en este campo que me apasiona, la contratación pública, y tengo la oportunidad de hacerlo dentro de una empresa que ofrece a sus consultores la oportunidad de trabajar en misiones de consultoría, asistencia en la gestión de proyectos y formación con un alto valor añadido para muchos y variados clientes. .

CKS Public es una empresa en la que hay oportunidades reales de desarrollo profesional. Por ejemplo, me contrataron como consultor principal y luego me ascendieron a Manager un año después. .

Así que si, como yo, te gustan las compras públicas, los retos intelectuales y el trabajo en equipo, ¡no dudes en aplicar! .

When I interviewed for a job at CKS in the autumn of 2014, I had no idea how many possibilities I would be exposed to along the way. The previous experiences I had had during my double degree course at HEC Paris / Sciences Po had not sufficiently allowed me to develop the rigor of analysis, work endurance and the pleasure of working internationally; this was quickly restored with CKS. Consultants are selected precisely because the recruitment process consists of identifying potential to be developed rather than seasoned professionals.

The first years of my career allowed me to explore a wide variety of assignments within the Paris office of CKS before leaving at the end of 2016 to create the Brussels office. Since 2017, I have been able to build up my team of consultants dedicated to CKS' international activities (Benelux zone, auctions, Ivalua integration) and continue to maintain close ties with my portfolio of historical clients in the automotive industry.

If I look back six years ago, the CKS team trusted me and accompanied me in the development of offers and tools with high added value for our customers as well as internally. Another element of internal satisfaction: the ability to travel to get as close as possible to the customer's sites: Europe, China, Japan, United States, Mexico, Brazil...

Cuando pasé la entrevista de trabajo de CKS en el otoño de 2014, no tenía ni idea de cuántas posibilidades se me abrirían en el camino. Las experiencias anteriores que había tenido durante mi doble titulación en HEC París / Sciences Po no me habían permitido desarrollar suficientemente la rigurosidad en el análisis, la resistencia al trabajo y el placer de trabajar internacionalmente; esto se restableció rápidamente en CKS. Los consultores se seleccionan precisamente porque el proceso de contratación consiste en identificar el potencial a desarrollar en lugar de profesionales experimentados.

Los primeros años de mi carrera me permitieron explorar una amplia variedad de misiones en la oficina de París de CKS antes de irme a finales de 2016 para crear la oficina de Bruselas. Desde 2017, he podido reforzar mi equipo de consultores dedicados a las actividades internacionales de CKS (zona del Benelux, subastas, integración de Ivalua) y seguir manteniendo estrechos vínculos con mi cartera de clientes históricos de la industria del automóvil.

Si miro hacia atrás, hace seis años el equipo de CKS confió en mí y me acompañó en el desarrollo de ofertas y herramientas de alto valor añadido para nuestros clientes, así como internamente. Otro elemento de satisfacción interna: la capacidad de viajar para acercarme lo más posible a los clientes: Europa, China, Japón, Estados Unidos, México, Brasil...

Hola, mi nombre es Aurore.

Je Soy manager en CKS. Tengo una formación en un campo completamente diferente al de las compras ya que estudié agronomía en AgroParisTech con una especialidad en los sectores de la ganadería..

Durante mi primera experiencia profesional, trabajé sobre los impactos ambientales de la ganadería en una ONG. En particular, ayudé a las empresas de los sectores de la carne y la leche a integrar los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible en sus productos y con respecto a sus proveedores. Descubrí la función de Compras y su importancia estratégica tanto para las empresas como para las administraciones, así que decidí unirme a CKS.

En CKS, tengo dos misiones principales:

En unos pocos años, he aprendido mucho sobre el mundo de las compras y la logística. Me uní a la firma como consultora junior y me convertí en manager hace dos años.

¿Las principales cualidades para unirse a nosotros? Curiosidad intelectual y espíritu de equipo. No buscamos necesariamente expertos en Compras, sino perfiles con una gran capacidad de adaptación, que sean capaces de comprender los problemas de nuestros clientes y adaptar las recomendaciones a cada contexto.

Hi, my name is Aurore.

I'm a manager at CKS. I have a training in a completely different field than procurement since I studied agronomy at AgroParisTech with a specialty on breeding channels.

In my first professional experience, I worked on the environmental impacts of livestock farming in an NGO. In particular, I helped companies in the meat and milk sectors to integrate sustainable development objectives into their products and in relation to their suppliers. It was there that I discovered the Procurement function and its strategic importance for companies. This is why I joined CKS 4 years ago.

At CKS, I have two main missions:

In 4 years, I have learned a lot about the world of purchasing and logistics. I joined the firm as a junior consultant and became a manager two years ago.

The main qualities to join us? Intellectual curiosity and team spirit. We are not necessarily looking for experts in Procurement but for profiles with a great ability to adapt, who will be able to understand the problems of our clients and adapt the recommendations to each context.

When I interviewed for a job at CKS in the autumn of 2014, I had no idea how many possibilities I would be exposed to along the way. The previous experiences I had had during my double degree course at HEC Paris / Sciences Po had not sufficiently allowed me to develop the rigor of analysis, work endurance and the pleasure of working internationally; this was quickly restored with CKS. Consultants are selected precisely because the recruitment process consists of identifying potential to be developed rather than seasoned professionals.

The first years of my career allowed me to explore a wide variety of assignments within the Paris office of CKS before leaving at the end of 2016 to create the Brussels office. Since 2017, I have been able to build up my team of consultants dedicated to CKS' international activities (Benelux zone, auctions, Ivalua integration) and continue to maintain close ties with my portfolio of historical clients in the automotive industry.

If I look back six years ago, the CKS team trusted me and accompanied me in the development of offers and tools with high added value for our customers as well as internally. Another element of internal satisfaction: the ability to travel to get as close as possible to the customer's sites: Europe, China, Japan, United States, Mexico, Brazil...

Hello, my name is Bénédicte.

After graduating with a Master 2 Professional in Public Business Law, I started my career as a Public Procurement Lawyer. I then held the position of Head of a public Procurement Department. Today, I am a manager at CKS Public. .

have the chance to do so within a firm that offers its consultants the opportunity to work on consulting, project management assistance and training missions with high added value for many and varied clients. .

CKS Public is a firm in which there are real opportunities for career development. For example, I was recruited as a senior consultant and then promoted to manager a year later. .

So if, like me, you like public procurement, intellectual challenges and teamwork, don't hesitate to apply! .

Geassocieerd Directeur neqo

Bertrand Cannasse

Associate Director neqo

Bénédicte Kennel

Manager Consultant CKS Public

Pierre-Édouard Labbé

CKS Auctions & Benelux Manager

Aurore Lermant

Manager CKS Santé